Friday, 30 October 2009

A Confession !

My name is Jim, and I am a gambling addict.....

.....but only on the 2p machines in the arcade at Dawlish Warren !

We have spent the last week there on a family holiday (in Dawlish Warren, not actually in the arcade!), and although Robbie was ill, and there was not a lot to do, and some of the people were very strange, we still managed to have a good time!

We went for a walk on the beach, played crazy golf, had a day in Exeter taking some pictures of buses (me and Rob), and played games and watched "Family Guy" dvds in the evenings.

In between doing that, we posted lots of 2p coins into the machine in the arcade which eats most of them, and very occassionally drops some 2p coins out. We did eventually end up with over 1000 token points, which we exchanged for some toys for the kids, and some other crap we didn't really need.

I will definately go to Dawlish again, hopefully when I am about 85, and I can sit on the seafront with my tartan blanket over my knees, complaining about the weather to anyone passing by!

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