I spent the morning working at home, tidying up the garden and cutting up some wood. Just after lunch, my parents-in-law popped in for a coffee, which resulted in a mad rush to get ready for hockey! I arrived at the hockey pitch in Cheltenham (only a few minutes late) and we had a good game, but we ended up losing 3-1 after some very dodgy decisions by the umpires!
Up early, and as I was going to cut up a tree today, I tried out my new chainsaw in the garden before 8.30 ! I decided that might upset some neighbours, so turned it off again straight away!
A friend of my parents had taken down an apple tree in their garden, and had no way of cutting it up, so my mum had volunteered me for the job- in exchange for the wood- fair deal.
I went round, the chainsaw did its job well, and I half filled our trailer with wood for the fire.
In the afternoon our friends Jon and Tracy came round to try out putting up their new tent in our garden. This test run went ok, and they are all set ready for our camping trip in April.
Can't remember a thing which went on today!
Got to work today to find Michael, the technician, looking very poorly. He sat at his desk all morning not getting a lot done, so I sent him home at lunchtime. He did not want to go, as he has only recently started working here, but I told him that I didn't want to catch anything, so he had to go!
First aid was needed again today, as a student had accidentally put their arm through a window, causing quite a deep cut to their forearm. I put a dressing on it, and sent her down to hospital, where it was glued back together.
In the evening I went to my St John unit for a training session, and a teacher from a local school came to present me with a cheque for £50, which his students had raised by doing a concert. They had not had any links with us, so that was nice of them.
Michael was still ill, so I was by myself in the office today. We had a demonstration of the SIMS learning gateway- a way of accessing school data over the internet.
After work I went to the staff gym, and did 30 minutes on the treadmill- 10mph for 21 minutes of that, and 5mph for 9 minutes. My first target is to get to the full 30 minutes running at 10mph on the cross country setting.
In the evening I had a church council meeting, to which I was nearly late due to some temporary traffic lights which kept me waiting for almost 10 minutes on red !
This morning I went to an open session at the college hosted by our chaplain, called Prayer Story, where he goes through 12 pieces of art in the conference room, talking about the meaning in them. This series of events is to get outside people to engage with the college, and they have been quite successful so far. As I am a Governor, I was asked to go along, and I found the session very thought provoking.
This evening I have been to a Community First Responder unit leaders meeting. CFRs are members of the public who are trained in Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation, and are volunteers who are on call to the ambulance service to answer emergency calls in their area.
We were shown a new piece of software which can log when CFRs log on and off via text message, and also provide reports, and real time status updates. This is a really good development, and hopefully we will be going live with this soon. I also managed to acquire a new uniform polo shirt!